When Jesus was on that cross, right before He died, He shouted out, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” Which means “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”

Has it ever bothered you that Jesus that? What did He mean? Did God really forsake His only begotten Son?

Of course, growing up in church, I’ve heard all kinds of explanations for what that means. In that moment, Jesus became our sin and so God had no choice but to turn His back on Him, to reject Him, to abandon Him.

None of the explanations I’ve ever heard satisfy the uneasiness I feel in my soul about this. Do you feel the same way? Did God really abandon His Son? That’s a very hard idea to accept… especially for those of us who have been rejected by a parent.

Recently I read a devotion that changed my entire understanding of these words that Jesus said before He died…